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California's County Planning Directors working together...

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CCPDA Membership

Working with your peers to make a better California...

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California County Planning Directors Association (CCPDA)

CCPDA is the California Association of all of the County Planning Directors. Land Use Planning is under the purview of local government and as such, each County has the responsibility for this important function. Where will future growth occur in a County? How much? These and many other questions are answered in a County's General Plan. The Planning Department is responsible for the coordination and implementation of that plan.

CCPDA is a vital link between all California Counties to coordinate best management practices in the field of Planning. As an Association, we learn from each others' experiences. Oftentimes, when a County is dealing with an issue, we find that someone else in another jurisdiction is or has already dealt with it. They offer helpful advice...this is an important function of CCPDA.


All 58 California Counties are CCPDA Members.

We coordinate regularly to improve consistency of program implementation throughout California.

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